Five Cool Steps To Start Contractions Wholly Naturally

By Jennifer J Washington

The later stages of pregnancy can be very uncomfortable for many women. It's entirely natural to feel frustrated and even angry if the 40 weeks have passed and you've still not given birth. This article summarizes a few methods you can use to induce labor naturally, but the recommended website goes into lots more detail. Follow the link at the base of this post to go there quickly.

A pre-delivery enema is a means of purifying of the colon and rectum. It works like this: a bag is filled with warm, distilled water and at the other end is a hose, which is inserted into your anus. The bag is squeezed and the water travels into your body and cleanses it. Enemas might potentially induce labor since when the bowels contract, it often causes the womb to do so as well. However, physicians are often unwilling to offer enemas to pregnant women and it is a strategy that is not authorized by the FDA.

After your 40 weeks are up you may want to think about having an enema to induce labor. In the old days, this was routinely given in certain parts of the world to clean out the rectum and avoid bacterial contamination during birth. This is very seldom done today, as external methods are adopted. An enema can bring on contractions because, when the bowels contract, as they do during this procedure, so does the womb. Some medical practitioners are against using enemas in this way and you should consult your doctor or midwife to see what advice they can give you.

Many women who are pregnant find that having sex in the later stages of pregnancy can bring on the birth. It is quite common for women who are over 40 weeks pregnant to try and have sex once or twice a day. Obviously the sex has to be gentle and care must be taken not to put the baby into any risk, but this is a method we can wholeheartedly endorse. It is certainly the most pleasant of the ways of inducing birth we have practiced. If you do not want to engage in full intercourse for any reason, nipple stimulation is an effective way to get the birthing process started.

Maternal acupressure has been found to be very effective in bringing on contractions. It is so effective that you must be careful that it all doesn't happen too quickly for you to get to where you have planned to give birth in time. Either a trained acupressurist can manipulate the pressure points, or else your partner can be trained to do the job in a few minutes.

Although these are all natural methods of inducing labor, you should always take the advice of a trained medical practitioner before you do anything you might think is "drastic". Usually women use these methods because they do not want to be injected with a chemical to bring on their contractions and I fully agree with this philosophy. My website (there's a link below) goes into a lot more detail than I've been able to in this short article. Good luck!

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